Grade 8 - Supply List


  • Three ring binder plus 8 dividers

  • Loose-leaf paper

  • #2 pencils (generous supply)


  • Texas Instrument TI-30XIIS Calculator

  • 2 inch binder binder with loose leaf paper

  • Pencils

Social Studies

  • 2 Inch-3 Ring Binder

  • 5 Dividers

  • Notebook with perforated edges

  • Notecards

  • Pens and pencils (generous supply)


  • 3 ring binder

  • 200 index cards with Index card holder

  • Pencils and pens (blue or black)


  • 3 ring binder

  • 9 dividers

  • Scissors

  • Markers

  • Crayons

  • Pencils

  • Pencil sharpener

  • Eraser

  • Lined Paper


  • 1 inch-3 ring binder

  • 4 dividers

  • Loose-leaf paper

  • Pens and pencils

  • Flash drive (optional)


  • Band students will be given instrument specific information from Mr. Garrow in September.

  • Chorus students may bring water bottles to class.  Be ready to sing-this means NO gum in class.

  • 1 inch black 3 ring binder


  • Notebook

  • Pens/pencils

  • 1 inch binder

Physical Education

  • Sneakers

  • Change of clothes-swimsuits during swimming unit

  • Deodorant


  • 1 1/2 inch binder with 5 dividers

  • 10-15 pages of loose leaf paper

  • Pens, black or blue ink only

  • Pencils

  • Book cover

  • Positive attitude