Dear School Faculty, Staff, and Community,

I hope this message finds you well.  I would like to bring to your attention an important update regarding the presence of dogs on our school campus.

In recent times, I have observed that dogs have been present at many outdoor sporting events and other school related activities.  While I understand the affection and companionship our furry friends provide, I must address this matter due to concerns related to our school district’s insurance and potential liability issues.

Effective Immediately, dogs will not be permitted on the school campus unless proper documentation is provided certifying them as service or medical dogs.  This decision aligns with our commitment to ensuring the safety and well-being of our students, faculty, staff, and community members.

Key Points to Note:

Documentation Required: If you wish to bring a dog onto the school campus, you must provide valid documentation certifying that the dog is a service or medical dog.  This documentation should be available upon request.

No Dogs at Outdoor Sporting Events: The practice of bringing dogs to outdoor sporting events must cease immediately.  This prohibition is in place to comply with our school district’s insurance regulations and to mitigate potential liability concerns.

Leash Requirement: All documented service and medical dogs must be on a leash at all times while on school property.  This ensures the safety and control of these animals.

I understand that service and medical dogs play a vital role in the lives of many individuals.  I want to emphasize that this policy is not intended to limit or inconvenience those who require these animals for assistance and support.  Instead, it is meant to maintain a safe and secure environment for everyone on our campus.

I appreciate your cooperation and understanding as we implement these changes.

Thank you for your commitment to our school community’s safety and well-being.


                                                                                                                        Mr. James C. Knight, Jr.

                                                                                                                        Superintendent of Schools