Attention All 2nd, 3rd, 6th, and 7th Grade Parents:
NACS, in cooperation with True North Dental Group, is excited to offer a special
dental care program for all students enrolled in second, third, sixth, and seventh
grades. This program, funded by Community Schools Set-Aside Money, will provide
free dental services to eligible students, including:
● Dental sealants on permanent molars
● Fluoride varnish
● A visual exam
● Oral hygiene instruction
These services will be provided by a licensed dental hygienist at our school in
Please complete the attached permission form and return it to the health office as
soon as possible OR let us know if you’d like a permission form sent home with your
child. This is a wonderful opportunity for students and families in our district, and we
encourage all students to participate in and benefit from this program.
Thank you! Click the following link to access the permission form: https://5il.co/36wqq

Dear NAC Elementary Families,
During the month of February, we will be learning about Habit #5: Seek first to understand, then to be understood. This habit is about listening before you speak. Here are the main points that you can discuss with your child:
● I listen to others without interrupting.
● I raise my hand and wait to be called on instead of blurting out.
● I try to understand how other people are feeling.

Head to the Elementary News and Notes page (https://www.nacs1.org/o/naes/page/newsletter) of our website to check out the February 2025 Parent News and Notes!

Head to the Elementary News and Notes page (https://www.nacs1.org/o/naes/page/newsletter) of our website to check out the January 2025 Parent News and Notes!

Dear NAC Families,
During the month of January, we will be learning about Habit #4: Think
Win-Win. This habit is about how a solution can be beneficial to everyone. Here are
the main points that you can discuss with your child:
● When issues come up with a friend, I can problem solve to find a solution
that benefits both of us.
● I consider what other people want instead of just thinking about what I
● I think of ways to help everyone be happy.

NAC Elementary students and staff finished off the week belting out holiday tunes at our annual Santa and Bobby Bobcat Sing-a-long! Thank you for the privilege of educating and caring for your children. Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!

Thank you to everyone who helped NAC K-Kids, Builders Club, and Key Club promote and/or donated to this year's Food Drive. We collected 352 pounds of food! This will be shared with the food pantries in Altona, Churubusco, Ellenburg, and Lyon Mountain as well as NACS' Backpack Program. .Thank you for supporting our community!

NAC Elementary has holiday spirit! This week we have lots of celebrations mixed in with our learning -- movie days, Kindergarten gingerbread family event, dress-up days, concerts, and more!

Congratulations to our November 2024 PRIDE Award Winners!

NAC School Wide Food Drive from December 4 - December 19. All items stay local and will be donated to the Altona, Churubusco, Ellenburg, and Lyon Mountain food pantries as well as the NACS Backpack program. All items must be non-expired and non-perishable. Drop-off location - Donate items in the boxes under the Christmas Trees in the lobbies of both buildings. The drive is presented by NAC Key Club, Builders Club and K-Kids.

Dear NAC Elementary Families,
During the month of December, we will be learning about Habit #3: Put
First Things First. This habit is all about making priorities. Here are the main
points that you can discuss with your child:
● Work first, then play.
● Doing the things that I have to do before doing the things that I want to do.
● Completing tasks in order of importance.
● Staying focused while I work.

Head to the Elementary News and Notes page (https://www.nacs1.org/o/naes/page/newsletter) of our website to check out the December Parent News and Notes!

Elf movie night! Sponsored by NAC Builder's Club

NAC Elementary Dress for the "Claus" Week 2024

Thank you to the volunteers of the Chazy Lions Club who completed vision screenings for NAC Elementary students today. Parents who signed permission slips will be receiving a printout of results in the next few days.

NAC Elementary is learning about voting and elections today through our school-wide mock-voting for real Presidental candidates as well as read-alouds and voting for entirely fictional candidates.

Congratulations to our October 2024 PRIDE Award Winners!

Head to the Elementary News and Notes page (https://www.nacs1.org/o/naes/page/newsletter) of our website to check out the November Parent News and Notes!

NAC Key Club would like to thank everyone who came out to our Trunk or Treat and Bottle Drive last Saturday. A special thanks to those who hosted a trunk. Over 100 superheroes, inflatables, and favorite characters trunk-or-treated. Can't wait to do it again next year!

Dear NAC Families,
During the month of November, we will be learning about Habit #2: Begin
With the End in Mind. This habit is all about having a plan! Here are the main points
that you can discuss with your child:
● I plan ahead and set goals for myself.
● I am prepared at all times.
● I think about how the choices I make now will affect my future.
● I think about the positive or negative consequences of my actions before I