Have you heard the news? Northern Adirondack Elementary Backpack Lunches has been selected as the beneficiary of the @Hannaford Helps Reusable Bag Program! Each time the $2.50 reusable Fight Hunger Bag is purchased at the Hannaford at (location) during the month of (month selected) we will
receive a $1 donation.

NAC Elementary students made good use of the first snowfall of the season by building a snowman in the schoolyard!

NAC Elementary geared up for Halloween fun on Friday, Oct. 29! Faculty and staff dressed in their 80s best and the 5th grade STEM projects delivered treats to students who trick-or-treated through the halls.

Join the NAC Key Club at a community TRUNK or TREAT and bottle drive on Saturday, October 30 @ 10a-1pm at the Altona Fire Department.
If community members want to host a trunk, contact:
DeAnn Gregory at dgregory@nacs1.org
Cindy Hoff at choff@nacs1.org

The countdown is on! THREE WEEKS until the Elementary Book Fair!

The students at Northern Adirondack Elementary were the recipients of several donations of school supplies from community members and organizations. Thank you to the Secore Family and Community Service Project of the North Country.

Thanks to our local fire departments for teaching our youngest Bobcats about fire safety today!

Reminder to all elementary bobcats: Monday, September 13 is the first day of Golden Rule Week. Remember to dress like a superhero to defend and protect good character!

NAC Elementary had a great first day of the 2021-22 school year!

Reminder: this Wednesday, August 4 is the last day of open Library hours in the NAC Elementary Library! Stop by to hang out, get new books, play board games or do origami... or just pop in to say "hi!" Mrs. Smallman loves seeing students in the summer (even too-old-for-Elementary-students!) The library is open 8:30am-11:00am on Wednesday August 4.

Mrs. Williams' second graders checked on our pumpkin patch today, and are excited to see that the plants are growing! Sunshine and fresh air are good for kids .... and PUMPKINS!

Happy Flag Day! NAC Elementary gathered today to honor the American flag and hear students' patriotic poems and essays.

Mrs. Williams' 2nd grade students were scientists this week! They dissected owl pellets to analyze what the owls had recently eaten.

Spring is for planting! This week students planted pumpkin seeds in our very own NAC Elementary pumpkin patch, in anticipation of a fall harvest. Pictured are 5th graders from Mrs. Manor/Mrs. Baker's class.

5th graders celebrated Career Week by dressing up as their future selves! We can't wait to see what you accomplish!

Head to the Elementary Events page of our website ( https://www.nacs1.org/o/naes/events ) to check out all the upcoming end of the year dates and events!

It's Elementary Memory Book time! Preserve those memories for your child and order a 2020-2021 yearbook today!
New this year: families may order online to pay with a credit card or PayPal. MemoryBooks will still be delivered to your child at school. To order online, go to:
If you prefer to pay by cash or check, please request an order envelope from your child's classroom teacher and one will be sent home.
The deadline to order Elementary Memory Books is May 26!

It's all come down to this! The winner of the Bobcat March Madness book tournament at NAC Elementary will be decided tomorrow! On Wednesday, March 31, elementary students will decide the outcome of the final match-up: will it be "Tek the Modern Cave Boy" or "How to Catch a Monster?" The school will celebrate with all new videos and a treat from Ms. Silver!

Congratulations, NAC Elementary! Thanks to your generosity, Mrs. Peryea was able to present a check for $600.00 to the Vermont Children's Hospital as part of the Big Change Roundup! YEE-HAW! That's a lot of change! If we start a change jar now, just think how much we will be able to donate next year....

Elementary students have been fascinated with the video footage of the landing of NASA's Perseverance Mars Rover that STEM teacher Amy LaPoint shared with them! Kristen Patnode channeled that excitement into a P.E. challenge for her students: to create a vehicle that Astronauts could use on Mars. She laid out all sorts of equipment and gave a few requirements - the vehicle had to move across the gym (Mars) and have a covering to protect the Astronauts. The students used their bodies and brains to build these amazing "Mars rovers!" Kudos to our students for their inventions and to our inventive teachers!