Hey Bobcats! The NAC Drama Club is shaking things up and performing on the virtual stage. The NAC Drama Club's production of 10 Ways to Survive Life in a Quarantine will be streaming tomorrow only on the Broadway on Demand app. For more information, check out the Northern Adirondack Facebook page for further directions for a direct link to our performance. Tickets are $6 for each account that purchases the show. This means you can pay only $6 to watch the play with your entire family! This production is family friendly and is sure to get a ton of laughs!
about 4 years ago, James Knight
Hey Bobcats!! NAC Drama Club will be having their first ever virtual play streamed on Broadway on Demand tomorrow Friday, December 11th. You can purchase your virtual tickets by visiting this direct link: https://www.broadwayondemand.com/series/fhLCXyDh2BFj-10-ways-to-survive-life-in-a-quarantine--northern-adirondack-high-school--nac-drama-club You will be prompted to create a free account on the Broadway on Demand app prior to purchasing your tickets. Tickets are $6 each and the video will be available tomorrow only. Please see the attached instructions on how to access the show if needed. https://5il.co/nrso Hope you enjoy the show! It is sure to give you many laughs!
about 4 years ago, Tammy Malark
10 Ways to Survive Life in a Quarantine
Tune in to CodeBytes all week for live computer science and coding mini-lessons from the Hour of Code folks! Today, Thursday, December 10th, at 11am & 4:30pm, want to help your community? Learn the basics of designing a simple app in AppLab that you can immediately share with others. (recommended for grades 6-12) Link to the live feed: https://codebytes.live/now More info at: https://code.org/codebytes#activities
about 4 years ago, Anne Smallman
Code Bytes
Tune in to CodeBytes all week for live computer science and coding mini-lessons from the Hour of Code folks! Today, Wednesday, December 9th, at 11am & 4:30pm, a virus has infected Monster Town! We’ll code an Outbreak Simulator and make predictions about what will happen to the neighbors of Monster Town. (recommended for grades 4-12) Link to the live feed: https://codebytes.live/now More info at: https://code.org/codebytes#activities
about 4 years ago, Anne Smallman
Code Bytes
Tune in to CodeBytes all week for live computer science and coding mini-lessons from the Hour of Code folks! Today, Tuesday, December 8th, at 11am & 4:30pm, everyone’s invited to a digital dance off as we code characters to do your favorite dance moves in Dance Party! (recommended for grades K-5) Link to the live feed: https://codebytes.live/now More info at: https://code.org/codebytes#activities
about 4 years ago, Anne Smallman
Cody Bytes dance party
Friday, December 11 the Drama Club presents 10 Ways to Survive Life in a Quarantine by Don Zolidis. Download the Broadway On Demand App and watch any time ONLY on December 11.
about 4 years ago, Tammy Malark
10 Ways to Survive Life in a Quarantine
Tune in to CodeBytes all week for live computer science and coding mini-lessons from the Hour of Code folks! Today, Monday, December 7th, at 11am & 4:30pm, we’ll be training a computer to read sign language with our own images of American Sign Language (ASL) letters. (Recommended for grades 6-12) Link to the live feed: https://codebytes.live/now More info at: https://code.org/codebytes#activities
about 4 years ago, NACSD
Code Bytes interactive mini-lessons
Mrs. Trombley's 1st grade class expressed their gratitude to the cafeteria staff this week by sending these sweet hand-made thank you cards.
about 4 years ago, Anne Smallman
Thank you notes
Good afternoon NAC Community! At 12:30 this afternoon a letter will be available in the NEWS section of our website. It is important information about our plan to "Pause" from in-person learning after Thanksgiving break. More information will be shared in the upcoming days with specifics on food and paperwork deliveries. Our CVES and CV-Tech students will still attend their classes in-person and we will be providing the same transportation as we are now.
over 4 years ago, James Knight
Good afternoon NAC Families! In an effort to be proactive and ahead of things as our County is experiencing an increase in positive COVID-19 cases, which could result in short term or long term breaks from in-person learning, we are asking you to let us know if you plan to receive meals. Please call the main office or cafeteria of the building your child attends if you plan to receive meal deliveries if we are functioning in a fully remote manner. We would appreciate your call by Friday, November 20th. Elementary Office: (518) 594-3986 MS/HS Office: (518) 594-3962 MS/HS Cafeteria: (518) 594- 3962 ext. 3020
over 4 years ago, James Knight
Hey Bobcats, what a beautiful day it was Saturday to recognize our senior fall athletes. Thanks to all the parents, families, coaches, players and our superintendent for taking the time and making the plan to let our student athletes know that despite the safety measures we are employing keep our school running and our kids safe we recognize the effort all of these athletes put into our soccer program for the four years they have been playing for NAC. Congratulations Emily Brooks, Emma Rabideau, Myah Mitchell, Madalyn Seguin, Emily VanValkenburg, Anika Knight, Aiden Lambert, Zoey Magoon, Cameron Trombley, Matt Jarvis, Nolan Knight, Wyatt Warren, Ethan Forkey!
over 4 years ago, Michael Loughman
The Northern Adirondack School Board will meet at 6:00PM Tuesday, November 10, 2020 at the Elementary Big Gym. An Executive session to discuss the employment history and personnel related business will take place at approximately 6:05PM. The board will reconvene for public session business at about 6:30PM. Agenda items will include a Building Construction Survey, an Opening of Schools Report, Staff Appointments, and Updates by the Superintendent. The full agenda is available on the district’s website, www.nacs1.org. The meeting is open to the public, however COVID-19 protocols will be in place including a temperature check, COVID-19 symptom attestation, and masks are mandatory while remaining socially distant. If you have any questions, please feel free to contact the District Clerk at 594-7060 ext. 2501.
over 4 years ago, James Knight
This message is for NAC student families or faculty who live in the Chazy Lake Area. Slic Network Solutions is preparing to "go live" providing highspeed internet service to your area by the end of the month. If you are interested, you can call the Town of Dannemora office or Slic Network Solutions to be placed on the top of the list. Town of Dannemora - 518-492-7541 ext. 2 Slic Network Solutions - 877-754-2266
over 4 years ago, James Knight
PAX is a series of strategies that equip parents to elicit more positive behavior at home and increase cooperation. NAC implemented the PAX Program last school year. See flyer for details on parent PAX tools training.
over 4 years ago, NAC Elementary
PAX Flyer
Hey Bobcats! Please take your best school appropriate at home selfie and send it to Mr.Gilmore (jlgilmore@nacs1.org) They are for a special yearbook project! We will be taking the first usable 85 pictures sent so be quick.
over 4 years ago, Michael Loughman
NAC Elementary celebrated Halloween with a STEM-inspired trick-or-treat around the halls of school today! Treats were delivered by robot, Rube Goldberg devices, and Halloween-themed social distance chutes.
over 4 years ago, NAC Elementary
Trick or treat
Trick or Treat
Trick or Treat
Trick or Treat
Even though last Friday, October 23rd was the deadline for changing learning formats, it is important to know that this Friday, October 30th is the deadline for Transportation Changes. Please let the main office of your child's building or the Transportation Office know if you plan to change your transportation plan from riding the bus to parent transport, or the opposite switch. Thank you!!!
over 4 years ago, James Knight
FREE webinar for parents hosted by @MHAacrossNYS. Understanding positive coping skills is helpful when supporting a child. Register for Using Positive Psychology to Manage Stress in Children, 10/28 at 11:30 am https://www.mentalhealthednys.org/family-education-webinar-series/
over 4 years ago, NACSD
Mental Health Awareness Assoc
The P-EBT Benefit Cards for the school breakfasts and lunches from March through June have been arriving at NAC homes over the past couple of weeks. If you haven't received your card and were eligible, give them a call at 1-833-452-0096. Some known issues have been with mailing address discrepancies, but a phone call has cleared that up.
over 4 years ago, Jim Knight
Tonight's Board of Education Meeting is available to the public via WebEx only due to Governor Cuomo's continuation of a previous Executive Order. The WebEx link is; https://nacsd.webex.com/nacsd/onstage/g.php?MTID=ec978c0caa4752336a986195351bc6848 The Access Code is; 173 051 2610 Telephone Access; 1-408-418-9388 * Board President Gilmore will be attending via WebEx
over 4 years ago, Jim Knight